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Landscaping & Underlayment

Use Azdel Onboard® composite sheets as an underlayment for landscaping applications

Creating a new landscape area or re-doing a current one? Consider Azdel composite for your ultimate barrier. While it’s an application that’s been done and proven, it is not often talked about. Not yet, anyway. Read on to learn why we highly recommend our material for this application.

Untapped Underlayment?

Azdel composite makes the perfect underlayment for your landscape projects. Here are some of the benefits:

  • It’s a superior weed barrier compared to typical cloth rolls that give way over time
  • Provides an instant flat base for pavers, paver sand and other landscape components
  • Won’t erode beneath pavers and other landscape pieces; won’t degrade or decompose over time
  • Easily cut custom shapes around edges and shrubs
Mock paver sample1
Mock paver sample 2

Above are images of a mock section of pavers. We created a box with a plexiglass front for visibility. After laying a bed of paver base and paver sand, we topped it with a layer of 4.7mm Azdel. This created an effective flat base, weed barrier, and is just porous enough to let water slowly drain through over time. Use a thick or thin base and pavers of any shape or size.

Typical Landscaping Areas

Most homeowners have some kind of landscaping around their house, near their front walk, driveway or perhaps near the mailbox. Here are images taken of an area as it’s in progress. First, the old mulch, decomposed leaves, debris and the old flimsy barrier have been removed. Azdel composite sheets were then easily cut around obstacles and put in place. A decorative brick border was then added. Lastly, new mulch began being placed on the top. It made for a clean finished look that will last for a very long time.

Azdel composite in landscaping
Greenhouse with Azdel

More Azdel Underlayment

Pictured here are other examples where Azdel composite has been used for an underlayment or floor.

The composite in the greenhouse will help keep moisture levels up in the soil beneath it. It has an insulating effect. One simply needs to cut properly sized holes for wanted plants that might go in-ground there. At the same time it keeps weeds from invading the grounds elsewhere. Or, simply use it as an easily replaceable floor.

Planter boxes and storage boxes can also use Azdel as a base for the same reasons.

For interior floor underlayment applications, please click to our related page on Interior Underlayment.

Where could you use Azdel composite in your landscaping or planting?

Planter box with Azdel

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